Sharon Culbreth Pedulla
Sharon Culbreth-Pedulla a Philadelphia artist who works in a variety of media. By replaying the work for each exhibition and pushing the evocative power of the work a little further, Sharon makes works that can be seen as multi-perspective indulgent even considering the reality of ones self. Sometimes they appear idiosyncratic and quirky, at other times, they seem typical by-products of American superabundance and marketing.
Her collected, altered and own artworks are being confronted as aesthetically resilient, thematically interrelated material for memory and projection. Isolating the movements of humans and/or objects. By doing so, new sequences are created which reveal an inseparable relationship between motion and sound. By questioning the concept of movement, she creates intense personal moments masterfully created by means of rules and omissions, acceptance and refusal, luring the viewer round and round in circles of personal epiphany.
Her works are made through strict rules which can be perceived as liberating constraints. Romantic values such as ‘inspiration’, ‘genius’ and ‘authenticity’ are thereby neutralized and put into perspective. By contesting the division between the realm of memory and the realm of experience, she finds that movement reveals an inherent awkwardness, a humor that echoes our own vulnerabilities. The artist also considers movement as a metaphor for the ever-seeking human who experiences a continuous loss and gain in the same instant.
Her works are based on formal associations which open a unique poetic vein. Multilayered images arise in which the fragility and instability of our seemingly certain reality is questioned. By applying abstraction, she considers making art a craft which is executed using clear formal rules and which should always refer to social reality.
Her works focus on sight-the conveyance of clear communication used to visualize reality, the attempt of dialogue, the dissonance between form and content and the dysfunctions of language. In short, the lack or abundance of clear reference are key elements in formal interpretation of the entire body of work. By focusing on techniques and materials, the constant absorption of the daily practices and multi facets of life good, bad or null is art.
Her works are notable for their perfect finish and tactile nature. This is of great importance and bears witness to great craftsmanship. By applying a wide variety of contemporary strategies, she wants to amplify the astonishment of the spectator by creating compositions or settings that generate tranquil poetic images that leave traces and balances on the edge of recognition verse alienation.
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